Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Be Prepared

I  am married to an Eagle Scout.  He has told me numerous times (as I make fun of him for some of his forethought decisions) the Boy Scout Motto that was instilled in him to "BE PREPARED!"  I have come to LOVE this trait about him, as we will be out and about somewhere and I need something that he has already thought of packing, etc.... He is sometimes :) one step ahead of me.  I think the Boy Scout Motto, and my husband have worn off on me a bit...

This past week we have made the decision to transfer doctors to a multiples specialist downtown in the Medical Center.  After much prayer and thought, we decided that this is the best choice for these girls and for me.  After meeting with this new Dr. who we really like and are so thankful for his expertise, we learned the I needed to have a little procedure done, in hopes of prolonging the time these girls spend in my womb. 

This morning was the procedure, I had to be put under so I was a little nervous thinking about that last night.  This has been the first thing so far since learning about the Triplets that has really made it feel even more REAL.  There are times where I do just stop and think, HOLY COW how the heck did we get here?!?!!  And this morning was definitely one of those moments! 

As Tigh and I were driving down to the hospital early this morning my mind was flooded with ALL sorts of thoughts and emotions of how we can "BE PREPARED" for these months ahead.  I have heard stories of bed rest for weeks, possibly months, babies in the NICU with feeding tubes, monitors, IV poles, surgery, etc.... I had a moment of all this running through my mind and thinking ok how can we prepare, especially since most of this will be taking place downtown now.  What can I do to get everything in order for my son, for our family?  What do you do when you KNOW the season ahead of you is going to be one filled with some hard places, and intense moments? As soon as I was thinking this, this simple over used verse popped into my head and quickly brought me peace.... 


Sometimes all we can do is rest in TODAY, and know that he will give us exactly what we need to make it through this day.  And I am so thankful that is enough.  I can not always BE PREPARED by myself, but with HIM I can BE PREPARED for anything that will come our way. 

Our Dr. who we were previously seeing (who we absolutely love by the way), told me this week that I am a no longer a mother, no longer a wife or a daughter, for the time being I am a HUMAN INCUBATOR! So I am doing just that and enjoying these days with Gray, mostly laying down.   I have happily accepted the fact that he watches WAY too many Baby Einstein Videos in a day, but I LOVE laying next to him watching him smile and laugh.  We spend WAY too much time eating snacks and meals together ALL throughout the day, but I absolutely love that I get to be the one here with him chowing down. And finally I am no longer concerned with the state of the house....if pulling every toy out and scattering it all over the floor is entertainment for a short 20 minutes, then I am all for it. (Thanks Mom and Tigh for cleaning it all up at the end of the day:) Here are some pictures of us doing what we do best these days......

Drink our morning drinks together in bed! Yes I am wearing Christmas Pajama bottoms---It's just part of the Piccadilly Circus! 

Gray's toy room destruction at it's finest! Notice he is standing on a toy to reach new places! 

Breakfast in bed, with Tucker and Toons! 

So with all that being said, as my new job title of Human Incubator I will rest, I will continue to CHERISH every second Gray and I have laying around together, and I will continue to give thanks to our Maker who continues to provide and PREPARE me with exactly what I need to get through today! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Verdict Is In....

It's official-- 3 GIRLS are on their way to the Holmstrom House!! We would have been thrilled if it went either way boys or girls, but we are so excited for this new adventure and are just continuing to pray for 3 healthy little loves.  Looks like Gray & Tigh will be out numbered after all. ;) Now on to the nursery and adding a little pink to this place....and to start saving for 3 weddings....