Thursday, November 21, 2013

30 Weeks, 30 Fingers & 30 Toes, Almost Over 3 1/2 Pounds Each--- That's a LOT of 3's

30 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!! My second goal! We made it!! When we first found out we were having Triplets our original Dr had said his goal would be to get me to 30 weeks! And here we are! So so thankful, but I can't help but allow my mind to begin to focus on our next goal of 34 weeks-- D-DAY!!!!!! December 17! My eyes are set on the finish line in hopes that I can keep these girls baking until then.  We went to the Dr. this past Monday and he was very happy with how big they are measuring. Baby A is 3.12, Baby B is 3.8 and Baby C is 3.9 lbs! We also saw MANY little fingers and feet on the ultrasound, which I just can't help but laugh when I think of 30 little fingers & 30 little toes in there :)  The Dr. said he thinks I can make it to Dec. 17, but wouldn't be surprised if the girls arrived sooner because of how big they are and because Baby A has dropped down onto my cervix and is putting a lot of added pressure.  

So with that being said, I have kind of hit a new "Survival Mode" these past few days.  I am tired and do not move around well. The energy that I have to exert just to get out of pj's somedays is astronomical (so somedays I don't)!  I am in  pain when trying to move or stand up, and so most of my time is spent laying down.  Night is the worst, and I am up for most of it, only to be exhausted by 6 am and finally ready to sleep.  Many people have asked to come by and visit and I hate that we have to say no, but at this point I barely have enough energy to spend any quality time with Tigh and Gray, and our primary focus is to get these girls as close to Dec. 17 as possible.  If we were to deliver early, our Dr. thinks they would need to be in the NICU at least 6 weeks and there is a much greater possibility of complications that we could run into.  So I don't want to risk it, and I really am listening to my body, and lately it is saying STOP EVERYTHING and DONT MOVE! 

The other night I was talking with my parents and Tigh, and it is so abundantly clear to us that through prayer and the help of all our family and friends we have made it this far.  My parents went from having a TON of room in their house to being shoved upstairs into a little corner, and I know they are enjoying this time we all have together, but I am sure they will be equally relieved when they get their home back.  I am so so grateful for all that they have sacrificed in order to help us get this far- cleaning, shopping, laundry, meals, taking care of Gray and our dog, at times waiting on me hand and foot....etc.  Its been a HUGE blessing and I know we wouldn't be this far with out them! THANK YOU MOM & DAD! And thanks to everyone for your continued prayers, love, and support! 

Here is the 30 week pic....I just keep thinking I can't get any bigger, and I then I do.  

Oh and yes- total weight gain so far ~50lbs! WOWZA! 

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Praying for you Amanda! You are the most beautiful mommy!!! Such a blessing these little girls will be! Can't wait to meet them! I know your mom is so happy to be there for you!