Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cause Sometimes You Need Candy Canes and Crying..... And a Response to HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO IT?

Good days, bad days..... a little dose of my reality lately.  Feeling ready to conquer the remainder of this pregnancy to feeling so frustrated in my current state and beyond ready to get the show on the road! 

Yesterday was a GREAT day.... we went to the dr. with our hospital bags in tow, ready for him to say the word that we needed to be admitted.  But thankfully I was sent home for another week! I really am thankful for this, because that just gives these girls more time to develop.  Even though in my head I was prepared for things to start happening, and slightly excited about that possibility.  They are measuring 4.7lbs this week at 32 weeks! The dr. was very pleased, and so were we.  Here is my good day picture yesterday---- yet again in shock that God has seen us through this far!  

Today is a not so great day... just woke up feeling so stagnant, defeated, and super achy.   Gray has also really caught on to the fact that I can't do much for him, or catch him when he is being disobedient so some defiance has set in as well as wanting "Daddy" and my mom "Chachi" instead of me at all times.  It just breaks my heart! I know our relationship will be restored, but I also know that it will come with new challenges as I will also have 3 other little ones needing my attention as well.  So today as a family friend took Gray to play, I have resorted to laying in our bed shedding a few tears and indulging in some candy canes that a friend of mine's little daughter gave to us last night in a care package. Yes crying and eating candy canes you read that correctly.  Don't worry, no one needs to intervene just yet.... I'm a mess today, but thats ok I know some days are just going to be like that.  I'll snap out of it soon!  

On another note at the Dr. yesterday I got the question again of "Are you having twins?" (because of the size of my stomach) I usually respond with "No, triplets." (smile and try to walk away quickly). Yesterday we were sitting in the waiting room across from a woman so I couldn't walk away (DARN!) Her jaw dropped and she looked at me and said what most say...."HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT?"   Tigh was with me and he hasn't experienced this question as much as I have so it was funny to see his response and his willingness to have a conversation with this woman. So I let him take over and answer this one.  However this is about the 4,000X that question has come into play and I need to remind myself that in the beginning of finding out we were having triplets I asked myself that same question over and over.  I have since had time to process it and here is my conclusion to all who are wondering "HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO IT?".......  

We are just going to do it, (just like every other family out there who adds a 2nd or a 3rd or a 4th child, you do it and you make it work.)  We are going to embrace every moment that we can! We are not going to say that this is our last time ever having kids (cause Lord knows how this went down in "our planning" of only having one child, and he decided to give us 3 ....) but we are MOST CERTAINLY NOT PLANNING on having anymore kids! Therefore we will cherish these first few hectic months of what I'm sure will be complete and utter chaos and sleepless nights, knowing that they will flee quickly and we won't experience the infant stage in this way again. We are going to continue to do life and do it with our children in tow. (This may mean people don't want to be around us because we may have 4 screaming kids at once, and we are ok with that.) We will rely on God daily to be our strength and our provider for each of our needs... sometimes the finances behind this whole thing can be beyond scary and we really don't know how it will all add up, but we trust that he will take care of us.   It's not going to be easy or clean or enjoyable at all times, I understand that, but we will take it a day at a time sometimes an hour at a time if we need to, and we will do our very best to cherish every minute along the way, because these are the cards we have been handed and we couldn't feel more blessed to be responsible for these 4 children, and that we get the privilege to share life with each one of them! 

And ok let's be honest, during the kid's moments of intense screaming and crying sessions that I am sure will take place.....we may need some noise canceling headphones, and this momma will need a glass of wine at the end of those kinds of days. :) That is how we are going to do this..... 

1 comment:

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

I have found when facing upcoming challenges...that God truly doesn't give us anything we need ahead of time - but just when we need it. You have no idea how you are going to do it because He hasn't showered you "yet" with that extra measure of grace that can only come from Him. And....there will be those moments when you wonder if He "forgot" to give you that extra measure of grace for that moment because you feel you are about to explode from exhaustion, not having enough hands, not having a big enough lap to wrestle with 4 babes! But it's okay if you put everyone in their cribs and go in your room and shut the door and kneel by your bed while crying out to God and beating your fists on your bed (yes....I actually did this!). The babies will be screaming but it's okay. When you feel somewhat composed you stand back up, dry your tears and walk out of your bedroom with just enough measure of grace to make it thru another few minutes or hopefully hours. God is faithful and because of HIM you are going to be able to do this :-)